For many, after a certain age conventional removable dentures  become a part of life. A daily routine involves cleaning  and caring for dentures, feeling uncomfortable with the ill fit of it and social embarrassment of the falling out while speaking it coughing . Life has more to offer with Over Dentures that rests on your gum in a fixed manner and fits in like the real teeth.


According to the World Health Organization, edentulism is defined as a physical impairment (because important body parts have been lost), a disability (because it limits people in performing at least two essential tasks of life — speaking and eating) and a handicap (because significant changes are needed to compensate for such deficiencies). The impairment has all the characteristics of a chronic disease — is incurable and requires specific management strategies to overcome the difficulties caused by it.

What are Over Dentures?


By Definition: Over denture rests directly on your gums and is retained by implants placed into your upper and/or lower jaw. The over denture, which is removable, is secured to your implants through retentive attachments incorporated into the denture.


A more Technical definition says Over Dentures are basically dental prosthesis that replaces the lost or missing natural dentition and associated structures of maxilla and or mandible and receives partial support and stability from one or more implants .


Overdentures were developed to help both partial and fully edentulous patients regain a quality of life. Loss of Teeth affects the overall health and Confidence level.

Why Over Dentures are better than Regular Removable Dentures?


  1. Improves Digestion: Ill fitting Removable Dentures are uncomfortable while one modified natural teeth is trying to chew food.  Over Dentures are more stable which allows one to chew food normally. A well chewed food item gets easily digested by the digestive enzymes.


  1. Helps in retaining the Facial Features: Missing teeth can cause the Face look sunken and make the face look prematurely aged. Well Set over dentures can help you retain your facial features.


3) Cost : compare to full mouth fixed teeth , overdentures give the benefit of fixed teeth at reasonable cost

Who are the Possible Candidate?

 The possible candidate can be anyone who has partially or completely lost the teeth. After a careful examination the Dental Practitioners can suggest Over Denture. Ideally complete implant takes one session but careful examination is important before deciding to implant.

The overall treatment time can take a few days to a few months depending on the clinical situation.